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Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on StyleStar.

  1. Respect other members. This goes without saying, but treat others as you would like to be treated yourself! It is forbidden to post topics, posts that are controversial or disruptive to the forum environment.

    1. it is forbidden to post statements that contain illegal, pornographic, horrific and bloody, political, racial/gender/geographical discrimination, war-raising, insults, etc.

    2. It is prohibited to insult other members or post inflammatory content to attract others. If you have a problem with another person, take the dispute elsewhere or resolve it privately.

    3. It is prohibited to post harmful content, including websites with viruses, videos, and images that may contain sensitive content.

    4. it is prohibited to send us spam (this includes advertisements for sales and services, excessive posts not related to the topic, misleading links, etc.).

    5. it is prohibited to post topics, posts and private messages containing advertisements, offensive and offensive content.

    6. It is prohibited to promote your own website or advertisements without supporting the context of the post.

    7. Be careful with your language, defamation will not be tolerated. Excessive swearing is offensive and we may take action.

    8. Links to your own site or to other sites corresponding to the post are acceptable, including links to the original site and to the site of the author of the project.

    9. Signature files are prohibited to show any sensitive remarks, advertisement links, IP identification and other external linking images that involve user information.

    10. Please do not post posts/topics with duplicated content or of the same type, otherwise the post/topic will be merged and deleted.

    11. Please do not post very low quality content that does not fit the main discussion of the forum, otherwise the topic/post will be deleted.

    12. Topics that do not fit the description of the current category will be moved to another category by the administrator/moderator.

    13. It is forbidden to upload files that contain viruses, advertisements, pornography, horror and gore, meaningless and unrelated to the topic.

    14. It is forbidden to ask for download links to all unpublished items under the StyleStar banner.

    15. Please upload multiple or large attachments to a network driver and try to leave screenshots of the file information (e.g. album art, mirrored desktop, software interface, etc.).

    16. It is strictly forbidden to distribute, derive, or discuss in depth the functionality or content of leaked or illegally obtained source code.

    17. Please refrain from writing in oversized bold and red fonts, as this is considered loud and unnecessary.

    18. Avatars that contain sensitive content and are offensive are prohibited.

    The decision of the staff is final. If you are asked to stop, please do so. If you have any questions about the rules, please feel free to contact the site staff and they will answer them.

    In addition to the main prohibited items above (which will not be tolerated), the following rules are based on self-regulation/self-observance.

    1. Please don't play crappy. You may think that posting about a "stunt" that has been circulating on other platforms on StyleStar will liven things up, but in reality, it is highly likely to be offensive to others and thus detract from the experience of other users. Please be serious when posting, otherwise you are very likely to be deleted or have inappropriate content modified.

    2. Minimize the number of topics related to your personal life/day-to-day life. As you may know, StyleStar mainly discusses "digital" and "computer technology" related topics, so please minimize personal topics and topics that are not related to the main discussion. If you want to make the content discussed on StyleStar more professional and helpful to you, please minimize the amount of content you post to avoid this phenomenon from creeping in. Personal life/day-to-day type topics that have already been posted will be cut down from time to time.

    3. As stated in 15, please upload multiple or large attachments to a web hosting site. As you may know, as a non-profit website, StyleStar does not have the capacity to provide large storage and high traffic servers, so before posting multiple images, please upload them to a hosting site, and link to the image using the [img] tag (the icon is "orange image"). When posting, use the [img] tag (icon "orange image") to link to the image.

    4. Although StyleStar does not explicitly prohibit minors from accessing the site, but it does not allow the posting of underage content, and posting appropriate content in the right place is the basic rule.

    Friendly Links
    If you want to promote your website or someone else's, please contact the administrator first by private message. If it is a personal nature of the site (non-multiperson community) such as blogs, communities of personal pages can be filled in the profile of the "web" category, but do not appear in the signature of the text; if it is a community or a forum, we will be based on the site's volume, the user groups to analyze, in line with the StyleStar major! If it is a community or forum, we will analyze the website according to its volume and user group, and those that meet the main content/objectives of StyleStar can be displayed as a Friendly Link with approval, provided that your/promoter's website also has a Friendly Link to StyleStar.

    All of the above rules apply to forum topics, posts, and in-site text messages. We reserve the right to ban or delete your account for any reason if we feel it is harmful to our forum environment. #